Training | Zero2Hero
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All boxers receive eight weeks of free training worth £295.

Group training will help build your fitness and technical boxing ability to get the most from the LBM Boxing experience. It’s down to you to put in the hard work required in your spare time to achieve the results - this event will change your life! 


By undertaking additional training and making sure you fuel your body with the right kind of nutrition you will be well prepared for your fight and will also see improvements to your general health and well being.


Once you register with LBM Boxing we will provide you with a registration pack that includes your fitness and nutrition guide along with various training methods at your enrolment meeting. 

Warm yourself up, run one mile (1.6km) and time yourself. Do this every week and see your time improving.

Shadow boxing is an ideal warm up as it helps to make you feel more comfortable in your movement. It also helps train your shoulders, back and core so you can train longer before your arms get tired. You can do a higher number of reps without the bag slowing your punches.

Skipping helps to burn calories and increase your fitness. It strengthens your calf muscles and will help improve your balance and coordination.

Boxing Stance: it’s so important to make sure your boxing stance is correct; everything in boxing requires movement in your feet, so you need to make sure that you have great balance and your feet are in the correct position to generate power.

Recovery Sessions: when you are aching from yesterday’s training sessions, this is because waste products in your tissue from energy production have built up. If you go for some gentle exercise then your body will be able to flush away this waste and send nutrients around your body, helping you to recover quickly.

Interval training is great for boxing as short burst of exercise will help you get prepared for your 2 minute rounds in the ring. This can include a variety of exercises including, sit ups, press ups, squats, shadowboxing or anything incorporating a punch bag.

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Help raise money for Lennox Children's Cancer Fund whilst getting into shape!


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